Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunny Day

Sunny days, chasing the clouds away...

It started out cool and ended up really warm. We went out to the sand plum trail and walked a couple lap with the puppies after my roommate, I'll call Marie, got out of lab.Marie has homemade sand plum jam in the fridge, her mother in law made last fall. She said her mom used to make it when she was a girl, it reminds me of making strawberry jam with my mom and sisters when I was a girl. It was windy out on the trail today (it's always windy here though), but I got to wear my new shorts and tank top. I also got out my old ball cap I keep here and tucked my bangs up underneath. The sun was warm and the heat almost unbearable when the wind quit blowing, but it was rather pleasant in the wind. The Oklahoma Red-buds had their branches thick with flowers, and the sand plum bushes were getting their tiny leaves too. One unfortunate thing that was also showing itself....bag-worms. A crap ton of them. Good thing the sand plums are resilient little suckers, at least that's what Marie said. She said they usually have to burn them three times before they die. She lives on a ranch and right now it's actually burning season; they have to burn away the old grass that's long and dead so that fresh tender baby grass comes up. Apparently, that's the only stuff the cows like to eat. There was also this white flower bush on the trail too, but we couldn't tell what it was. 

After, we went to the diner, and I got my very favorite strawberry salad. It's 100% delectable! I've never ever had a better salad with better chicken. This is the place with the homemade creme pies, cakes, and cinnamon rolls. They had Italian Cream Cake tonight, but we had to pass...we've done far too much sitting around on our butts and studying lately. It was good to get outside.

Anyway, more school work to do tonight...probably another late one.

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
-Hans Christian Andersen

1 comment:

Tammie said...

We definately have to go to the diner if possible... your descriptions of the trees are do have a gift!