Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas at last!

So, I've spent the last week cleaning like a fiend, I think I lost some weight...just kidding, but possibly. I also finally got around to getting the Christmas decorations down out of our garage attic. The hot summer months didn't bode well for my candles, as you'll see in one of the pictures below, but rest assured, I came down into my kitchen this morning to see my father in law placing them in boiling water with a mischeivious grin upon his face as if he were twelve again. They've all been erected to their original states thank in part to needle nose pliers. Also, I decorated with red and white roses. Poinsettas would have been nice, but I'm not at all certain my dogs wouldn't figure out how to eat some without my knowing until it was too late. Dead poochies are not on my christmas list. You'll see an adorable picture of them at the end too.

Hope you enjoyed these clips! I can't wait to leave for my parents' house on Wednesday!!! Coming up quickly! I'll have to get on top of packing for it here shortly:)

1 comment:

Tammie said...

Beautiful! I did a double take on the white pitchers then I remembered that you had two of them :)! Can't wait to see you and Zach!