Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lazy Sundays

This weekend, I've done quite a bit--I went to the Scottish Festival, the Greek Festival, and the Shalom Festival. It's been a great weekend for it. Next weekend we'll go to the Harvest Beer Festival, and the weekend after that to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver.

Here is a video from the Scottish Festival that I took of the bagpipers there:
It was pretty neat. There were many groups of pipers roaming around the event.

I also learned how to toss a log...I'm sore today, who would have thought?

I also found out that my little bit (13%-25%?) of Scottish is from the Graham clan! They have a tartan similar to that in the video above, it just has a streak of white in it with the deep blue and green.

There was a real live wolf (according to its owner--it did have orange eyes):
If he really is a wolf, he looks an awful lot like my Max man, so now I call him Max Little Wolf, or Little Wolf Max with his side kick Lady Lana. Here is a clip of Max I got, it may just be me, but there were a lot of similarities. It's hard to tell since I didn't get a great picture of the wolf, but hopefully you'll be able to see it:

Anyway, today's weather has been strange. It rained and thundered with the sun shining.

Look at the bubbles the rain makes on the surface of the pool!

That's all for now folks!

1 comment:

Tammie said...

Love the Scottish music!