These last few days have been cool, clear, and absolutely wonderful. Yesterday, I just sat on the balcony and read a book for hours. Today, I was able to take the laptop out there and work from there. It was just so refreshing to be outside and have the windows open. Tonight, Zach and I went on a long walk through our neighborhood with the dogs as the sun set and mosquitoes emerged. We're suppose to have a whole week of this weather too. I am looking forward to it.
Yesterday, when I was sitting on the balcony with Zach and the dogs, I couldn't help but remember the tree fort my sisters and I had on Mount View Drive. It occurred to me how cool it would have been as a kid to have that balcony and imagine the tree top fortress we could imagine existed there on rope bridges between the trees. I remembered singing every song we knew to the American flag, as part of our club and ship game. I remembered the long summer days, resting in the seveties and low eighties, just perfect. The smells were almost the same too. There was a fresh sort of earthy smell the world emits when it can finally rest.
Finally, refuge from the heat. To most Oklahomans, it's fall, to me it's the last long cool summer days I've missed all summer long. I haven't seen more beautiful days in what seems like forever.
Beautiful remembrances....lovely pictures. I can still hear you guys singing "You're a Grand Old Flag" at the top of your lungs and with so much conviction....:). Those are perfect days, Your language is poetic, melodic. Thank you!
I loved Buffalo summers too. It's not as bad here as it is in Oklahoma, but it is still hotter than I'd like. I would like to find a place to live where I don't need a/c in the summer but I don't get 8 feet of snow in the winter. I'm not sure that exists...
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