A new framed print I got today, I think it's lovely and matches the color of the walls perfectly.
Got to love candles! It's probably a bit much, but I promise they're all blown out now, I won't burn the house down!
Now, this configuration did end in disaster. Somehow all the pillars on the right fused and melted into a large pool on the mantle--good thing it's marble!
The western sun through my living room window.
Okay, so I was bored...more pictures of me. I have some of my dogs from today, and another video, want to see those? :)
Today I went in at 9am and got home at 10pm. I had been home for a long lunch, thankfully, so I was able to let the dogs out then. In the morning I worked on some spreadsheet analysis and data entry. At lunch I came home, had some leftovers and worked on my homework. I was dismayed to find out I had lost the nine page document I wrote yesterday afternoon, I must be losing my mind, but my advisor is understanding and told me to turn it in within the next few days or so. It's just so aggravating and irksome to me. Hopefully, it will be easier to write it being the second time around. I went to the pharmacy buyout at 2pm and learned how to fill out 222 forms for C-II medications, took inventory of the medications, packed them up and brought them to the new pharmacy. Then for the last four hours or so I've worked on putting up all the medications on the shelves where they belong. I'm not sure I got them exactly in the right section, but at least I know they're in there alphabetically. There are usually multiple sections separating fast movers, general, reconstitutions, liquids, and unit of use. When all else fails, but it in alpha (general). One of the techs went and got us some dinner around 8:30 or so at Sonic, which was really nice of him. I was starved! I'd had a Sprite since lunch. Nothing else, not even water. I guess that's what happens when you're busy working! When we left, the other intern, Lance, drove me around the building to my car, since I had parked in the back and we weren't at the nicest of stores in the safest of areas. I managed to find my way home on the highways, which I consider a major feat. I actually remembered how to get home combining my previous journeys to different locations that had landed me on a particular location. It's a first in a very long while for me. I think I got somewhat out of practice living in smaller towns the last five or more years of life, never having to deal with more than one highway, let alone three of four crossing ones. Now, I'm home and I believe I am going to go enjoy a nice glass of wine and unwind reading a book. Then it's time for bed! Luckily, I got the day off tomorrow since I stayed so long tonight, so I won't have to get up early, and I'll have plenty of time to work on my paper. Me time!! Max just sighed a loud sigh, that's exactly how I feel. To sore knees and achy backs!! Goodnight.
This weekend, I've done quite a bit--I went to the Scottish Festival, the Greek Festival, and the Shalom Festival. It's been a great weekend for it. Next weekend we'll go to the Harvest Beer Festival, and the weekend after that to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver.
Here is a video from the Scottish Festival that I took of the bagpipers there:
It was pretty neat. There were many groups of pipers roaming around the event.
I also learned how to toss a log...I'm sore today, who would have thought?
I also found out that my little bit (13%-25%?) of Scottish is from the Graham clan! They have a tartan similar to that in the video above, it just has a streak of white in it with the deep blue and green.
There was a real live wolf (according to its owner--it did have orange eyes):
If he really is a wolf, he looks an awful lot like my Max man, so now I call him Max Little Wolf, or Little Wolf Max with his side kick Lady Lana. Here is a clip of Max I got, it may just be me, but there were a lot of similarities. It's hard to tell since I didn't get a great picture of the wolf, but hopefully you'll be able to see it:
Anyway, today's weather has been strange. It rained and thundered with the sun shining.
Look at the bubbles the rain makes on the surface of the pool!
These last few days have been cool, clear, and absolutely wonderful. Yesterday, I just sat on the balcony and read a book for hours. Today, I was able to take the laptop out there and work from there. It was just so refreshing to be outside and have the windows open. Tonight, Zach and I went on a long walk through our neighborhood with the dogs as the sun set and mosquitoes emerged. We're suppose to have a whole week of this weather too. I am looking forward to it.
Yesterday, when I was sitting on the balcony with Zach and the dogs, I couldn't help but remember the tree fort my sisters and I had on Mount View Drive. It occurred to me how cool it would have been as a kid to have that balcony and imagine the tree top fortress we could imagine existed there on rope bridges between the trees. I remembered singing every song we knew to the American flag, as part of our club and ship game. I remembered the long summer days, resting in the seveties and low eighties, just perfect. The smells were almost the same too. There was a fresh sort of earthy smell the world emits when it can finally rest.
Finally, refuge from the heat. To most Oklahomans, it's fall, to me it's the last long cool summer days I've missed all summer long. I haven't seen more beautiful days in what seems like forever.